Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Zerg is unplayed?

Today Blizzard released numbers about the wins versus different races and by this it seems the Zerg race is underplayed versus the Protoss and Terran races. With good reasons, the percentage of people who win from Zerg in the different leagues is higher than otherwise.

So players have a pretty good reason to not play Zerg. Luckely, Blizzard allready has some decent solutions in their minds. They currently have these solutions in thought:
  1. "We're increasing roach range. This will allow roaches to be more effective in large groups, giving the zerg more options in the mid to end game."
  2. "Fungal Growth will now prevent Blink, which will give zerg a way to stop endlessly Blinking stalkers which can be very challenging to deal with in large numbers."
  3. "The Barracks are going to require a Supply Depot, which will impact a lot of early terran reaper pushes."
  4. "The reaper speed upgrade will require the Factory, which is meant to weaken a lot of the early terran reaper attacks that dominate so many matches, especially in team games."
  5. "We're making a number of increases to the health of zerg buildings, which will make the very vulnerable zerg technology structures more resistant to raids.  We don't expect these hit point changes to have a super significant impact on the game, but the current numbers felt way too low."
So we'll look through them a bit. Going for early roach is allready really effective, and with this it may be even better. Protoss will definitly have problem with it, if a Zerg player rushes for it. But then again, it isn't that hard to counter. The health increasement of Zerg buildings is nice but, as allready stated, not rulebreaking.

I don't use Fungal Growth that much so I won't give feedback on it. Though, the changes for Terran seem fair. With this, zerglings should be able to catch up reapers, giving the Zerg player a better chance of defense against this. Also, the supply depot should help a bit. This way players can't simultaniously build their first barracks and supply depot for early marines.

I ain't the best player though, but I am decent. I know the drill, but can't execute it well, eh, I'll learn that later. To round things up, I have the statistics given free by Blizzard:

Protoss are played 38.5% of the time.

Terran are played 38.0% of the time.

Zerg are played 23.5% of the time.

Win % in Diamond (accounting for player skill)

49.6% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran. 

52.8% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.

49.6% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg. 

Win % in Platinum (accounting for player skill)

56.3% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran. 

47.3% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.

44.5% win for Terran when fighting Zerg. 

Win % in Gold (accounting for player skill)

61.0% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran. 

61.1% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.

49.5% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg. 

Win % in Silver (accounting for player skill)

63.6% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran. 

50.7% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.

51.6% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg. 

Win % in Bronze (accounting for player skill)

59.0% win rate for Protoss when fighting Terran. 

55.1% win rate for Protoss when fighting Zerg.

45.4% win rate for Terran when fighting Zerg.

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